Vim Generate PDF and HTML Notes Automatically With The Help Of Pandoc

Alright, this post is all about showing you the trivialities with one of my editors i.e. Vim. Basically, to automate the entire process of building PDF and HTML notes via some rudimentary keystrokes.

Pandoc is a damn good software for the heavy lifting behind the scene.

Let me show little by little the process involved and of course, the code that generates those things.

Vimrc configuration, which helps to get it done via VIM


See! I have designated key binds to call up for generating specific things and that essentially call up the required script.

Generate PDF Notes


Bang! No fuss a simple Pandoc call does the trick here.

Generate HTML Notes


Phew! No surprise here too..abject ordinary stuff to get the job done.

How To Extract The Latest PDF Build From The Designated Directory


How To Extract The Latest HTML Build From The Designated Directory


I have stuck to the minimal tool to be used for this and it does the damn job.

Okay, I have called a predefined template file to insert specific values to the note-taking file and a few predefined macros to fill those fields. Here is the template file look:


Okay, if I put the cursor right next to the colon and press some keys(invoke macros) to fill in that field. For instance, if the cursor is on the Author field and I press au that fills the name of me. Likewise, on the date field if I press dst it pastes the current date to that field. So, I don’t have to manually fill in those fields but rather press the keystrokes to do the job.

Pretty ordinary, right? My requirements are minimal. However, you can extend the template file at any time wish to add more metadata to it.

Finally, if you are inclined to see how things panned out visually with live-action, then you might take a peek at my YouTube video.

Emacs Org-Capture Templates And Their Benefits

Alright, people who work with computers generally find a way to use it as per their liking and usability. It is also a trait to find the niche software to use for a specific purpose to elevate productivity with ease. See, I would like to emphasize the words “with ease” one more time because the tool I am going to cover in this article, although briefly to the point of specific functionality that a bigger cog as software.

I am delving into a functionality, called org-capture templates1. That is a mechanism to capture, as the name implies, some important information from any part of the system effortlessly with a few keystrokes. What it does, is it will present you the options to choose from the list, and the list would have been made by you with some trivial lisp code(I will show you in a moment).

Okay, let’s cut to the cheese, here is the block of code extracted out of my dot emacs file to start with, and importantly this is the relevant part of it.

(setq org-capture-templates
      (quote (("t" "Todo" entry (file "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
               "* TODO %?\n%U\n%a\n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
              ("r" "Respond" entry (file "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
               "* Respond to %:from on %:subject\nSCHEDULED: %t\n%U\n%a\n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t :immediate-finish t)
              ("n" "Note" entry (file "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
               "* %? :NOTE:\n%U\n%a\n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
              ("j" "Journal" entry (file+datetree "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
               "* %?\n%U\n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
              ("d" "Diary" entry (file+datetree "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
               "* %?\n%U\n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
              ("R" "Refile" entry (file+olp+datetree "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
               "* TODO Review %A %^G\n%x\n%U\n" :immediate-finish t)
              ("m" "Meeting" entry (file "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
               "* MEETING with %? :MEETING:\n%U" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
              ;; ("p" "Phone call" entry (file "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
              ;;  "* PHONE %? :PHONE:\n%U" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
              ("p" "PDF-Notes" entry (file "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
                  "* %?\n%(org-capture-pdf-active-region)\n")
              ("b" "Book" entry (file  "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
               ;; "* %^{TITLE}\n:PROPERTIES:\n:ADDED: %<[%Y-%02m-%02d]>\n:END:%^{AUTHOR}p\n%?" :empty-lines 1)
               "*  %(let* ((url (substring-no-properties (current-kill 0)))
                  (details (org-books-get-details url)))
                (when details (apply #'org-books-format 1 details)))")
              ;;("l" "Book log" item (function org-books-visit-book-log)
                 ;;"- %U %?" :prepend t))))
             ("a" "Appointment" entry (file+olp+datetree "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/")
               "* APPT %^{Description} %^g %?\n Added: %U")
              ("c" "Contacts" entry (file+headline "~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/" "")
               "* %^{Name} :CONTACT: %[~/.emacs.d/OrgFiles/contacts.txt]")

              ("P" "Protocol" entry (concat org-directory ,(file+headline  "")
                "* %^{Title}\nSource: %u, %c\n #+BEGIN_QUOTE\n%i\n#+END_QUOTE\n\n\n%?"))

             ("L" "Protocol Link" entry (concat org-directory ,(file+headline  "")
               "* %? [[%:link][%(transform-square-brackets-to-round-ones \"%:description\")]]\n")))))

Whoa! That looks a bloody complicated stuff…scary? Okay, that was my impression while building(borrowing without knowing from others code) and then spending some time with it to figure out where the heck this shit is coming from and importantly how they are working. Once, get into the meat of it by spending hours with frustration(caused by my inability) to understand and find a way. But somehow I managed to figure out exactly how much I needed to know to get on with it.

But wait, haven’t you seen the pattern yet? It is darn vivid and extremely difficult to skip the eyes. Every template has two lines, the first one merely denotes a key, that has to be pressed when the list with be shown(more on that later). Then a label that distinguishes it from other labels and importantly, shows the purpose of the template. Then, the entry keyword(which helps to enlist while invoking the list) and finally, the pointer to the file, where you want to keep the information.

Now, the second line is a little tricky, I use the word tricky because those damn flags took me some time to figure out(although documented very well in the respective manual, it was the finding)and Lisp2 language construct. These lines, the second one, instruct the first line on how it has to be measured, read stored, formatted, or presented in the file. So, that is crucial to know, how you want the information to be presented for future endeavors. Generally, Lisp codes are pretty readable, if the authors have not lost their mind. See Org-Capture template expansion.

Okay, how do you show or invoke the damn list inside Emacs? That is a question probably burning in your head(it is an inclination these days to bypass the important part and reach to end as quickly as possible…huh!). So, you could do various ways to invoke that capture templates list and I am going to show you two of them here. One is from outside Emacs, which eventually causes the trigger inside Emacs and the other one is directly inside the Emacs.

Org-protocol3 is a facility or functionality, that helps to accomplish a lot of stuff with org-mode I have bound a small one-liner script that basically prompts me to enter the URL of a specific service I want induct in one of my targeted locations mentioned in the template, i.e. journal, notes et. al. Once I have put the required URL on the prompt it shows me the list inside the Emacs (You have to have Emacs activated in the system beforehand, whether you run it on daemon mode or directly and the Emacs client must be up and running). Why? Because the list has to show somewhere and it is an emacs software, The client is the place where the list should be showing the list.

I am wildly hoping you are getting what I have written in the above vignette. If it skips you, try one more time to read and understand. I have tried to be as explicit as possible and to the point without deviating.

In the second instance, I can call up that list of templates by a key invocation within Emacs and it is generally bound to C-c c.

How does it look? Here is a glimpse of it 🙂


See, look at the right-hand side buffer in the screenshot, and also see the prompt at the bottom of the screenshot, which is waiting for a key to be pressed to action the specific things mentioned beside it. The key is the one within the square bracket to be pressed, so the action can be performed.

As I have mentioned various templates have different criteria or ways of capturing things into the designated files. There could be many more such like this and that would be wholly on the workflow you might have.

Here are a few examples of the various temples enlisted in the above screenshots.

To capture a book metadata

First capture the URL of the book I use this tool, org-protocol to capture the URL, which essentially binds with a keystroke in my window manager config, prompted for the URL, I have to provide the URL on the prompt, and then this action pop up the buffer inside the Emacs client with template list, like the one shown in above screenshot, then I choose or press the letter b to retrieved or capture the books metadata and put to a designated file, in my case, it is names The capture with template shows like this :


Now all I have to do is just press C-c C-c, and it will save the metadata in the designated file.

Take notes with the template

Say, I have highlighted and copied some text that wanted to be put in the designated file. Here is what it looks like while doing so ..again the list pops up in the Emacs client and I have to press n to be presented with the template of capturing notes in a separate buffer like this :


Now, all I have to do is press C-c C-c as suggested on top of the buffer to save the information to the file.

You can customize the capturing templates as per your need to capture the specific information from specific things.

If you are inclined to know how these capture templates work live, you might take a peek at my YouTube video.

Linux Tools Apt-Mirror And Systemd-nspawn Are Super Effective

Alright, let’s explore two specific tools for productivity elevation. Namely, systemd-nspawn1 and apt-mirror2.

I can show you the brief interactions I have had with these in recent times and how beneficial those could be in the general sense.

Apt-mirror is to create a local mirror of the upstream mirror

What does that mean? Simple, something hosted remotely and publicly available that can be brought down to your local machine for your inspection and improvements

Okay, a little demo won’t hurt much 🙂 , here are some ways:


Oh, you are supposed to get it by the debian package manager and it’s darn simple.

apt-get install apt-mirror

Now, it brings down a few files with it, especially two files that should interest us for the usability of this tool. Which are /etc/apt/mirror.list and /etc/cron.d/apt-mirror . And we will tweak a little to fulfill our needs.

############# config ##################
 set base_path    /home/bhaskar/apt-mirrors
# set mirror_path  $base_path/mirror
# set skel_path    $base_path/skel
# set var_path     $base_path/var
# set cleanscript $var_path/
# set defaultarch  <running host architecture>
# set postmirror_script $var_path/
# set run_postmirror 0
set nthreads     20
set _tilde 0
############# end config ##############
# deb bookworm main contrib non-free
# deb-src bookworm main contrib non-free

# mirror additional architectures
#deb-alpha unstable main contrib non-free
deb-amd64 unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-armel unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-hppa unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-i386 unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-ia64 unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-m68k unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-mips unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-mipsel unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-powerpc unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-s390 unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-sparc unstable main contrib non-free


You see, I have changed three things in the above file. First, I created a directory under my home directory called apt-mirrors and fixed the base_path variable with it. Heads up! You are supposed to create the directory in places where some hefty amount of free space is available. This operation needs a placeholder big in some hundreds of Gibs, otherwise you might not accommodate it.

Then I commented on the two lines right after the end config marker. You might keep that if you want to. Because those are defaults and it will certainly pull from there.

Next, I uncommented one line specifically some architecture-specific i.e. an amd64-related line, so it pulls from that source.

Once you made changes to the mirror.list file then you are supposed to run this command as a superuser, as the manual said to get a sync.

sudo apt-mirror -c apt-mirror

Well, we are now all set. Let’s see how it goes …


See! It is quite big, a whooping 143 gig, but that is okay to get the entire repo.

And the last thing about this is that, once you get the content down to your local machine you probably want to have it frequently after certain intervals with the updates. Here comes the importance of having a cron file attached to it. This software brings along a file with it and it looks like this :

# Regular cron jobs for the apt-mirror package
#0 4    * * *   apt-mirror      /usr/bin/apt-mirror > /var/spool/apt-mirror/var/cron.log

You can change the value of this cron entry at your convenience, so you don’t have to do it by hand when you need it.

Systemd-nspawn is a more popular tool in the modern era

How so? Because distributions running(whether in enterprise or person) Systemd should take advantage of this tool. In crux, this is a modern way of doing chroot in systemd specific systems.

There are various use cases to use this tool and on top of my head, I could be using it to test some new stuff about some arcane thing in the restricted environment. So, it isolates the host system from getting banged by some experimentation done in the confined area of your machine. (aka containerized way of doing things).

Here I am showing you the abject ordinary thing this tool can help by running two different Linux distributions in a confined area of the machine. I am sitting on Debian3,i.e. the host system, and going to try our latest version of fedora404 and openSUSE Tumbleweed5 , which is installed in different physical partitions in the same machine.

First, take openSUSE Tumbleweed, and this is how boots with the help of this tool :

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if test $UID -ne 0;then
        echo you are suppose to run this as superuser
        exit 1

if test ! -d /OpenSuseTW;then
        mkdir -p /OpenSuseTW

echo Mounting.....

/bin/mount /dev/nvme0n1p8 /OpenSuseTW

systemd-nspawn -bD /OpenSuseTW

Pretty simple! Right. I said in the above vignette that this particular distribution is already installed in other physical partitions. Just created a directory to hold the mounted partition and boot from it to provide the login prompt and you can use the normal login credential, which you probably created when installed it.

The -b flag is for the booting and

The -D flag is for providing the shell.

Likewise, using this same tool i.e. systemd-nspawn ,I can spin up a minimal fedora version in a quick time. The system-nspawn man page clearly states how to do it.

Prerequisite :

You are supposed to install dnf beforehand to make things easy to do this kind of stuff. Again the manual clearly states that.

Here is how I put all those in an ordinary script to do the job for me:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# To get the cloud image

# machinectl pull-raw --verify=no fedora38

# systemd-nspawn -M fedora38

# Another way of getting minimal stuff

# if test $(which dnf) == "";then
#       pkg_install dnf
# fi
# dnf -y --releasever=40 --installroot=/srv/fedora40 --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=fedora --enablerepo=updates install systemd util-linux iputils passwd dnf fedora-release  vim-minimal
# systemd-nspawn -D /srv/fedora40 ----> to set the root password
if test $UID -ne 0;then
     echo you are suppose to run this as superuser
     exit 1

if test ! -d /srv/fedora40;then
     mkdir -p /srv/fedora40

unlink /srv/fedora40/etc/resolv.conf

cp /etc/resolv.conf /srv/fedora40/etc/resolv.conf

systemd-nspawn -bD /srv/fedora40

I have commented on the DNF-related lines because I had it before I made the script. Oh, that pkg_install is nothing but a wrapper over the underlying package manager used by the host distributions. I have made a few steps explicit because it was hindering smooth operation, although you could ignore the unlink and cp steps. Those are ugly workarounds in my convoluted environment. In your case, those are not necessary.

Last, if you are the kind of person, who are getting excited by seeing in a different form than this writing, then I have at least a video about apt-mirror on YouTube.

Emacs And Vim Inflate Them For The Sake Of Usefulness?

Well, you might argue that it is a pure skill issue. And believe me, I don’t disagree with you. Every good thing comes with a package of burden, whether it is apparent or not at first glance, but gradually shows its colors.

I have leaned on two of the best editors ( no kidding, fellas) and stuck with them forever. And as a result, I have grown some soft spot for them. The funny part is that I haven’t tried to escape from that fondness. So hooked, that I even looked for something that gives so much pain to integrate and operate on those, considering the vast availability of solutions posted by the experts of those systems.

The end result is awesome and I have had a soothing experience for many years now. The hassle become less and know-how has greatly improved, still a lot to be desired.

Here is a glimpse of one of my editors of choice i.e. Emacs1 below for your perusal in terms of the capabilities included in it.

ls -al ~/.emacs.d/elpa | gawk '{ print $9 }'
|                                              |
| .                                            |
| ..                                           |
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| ghub-20230301.1402                           |
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| gnupg                                        |
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| grammarly-20240101.846                       |
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| helm-20220319.1850                           |
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| magithub-20220315.117                        |
| marginalia-20220312.1357                     |
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| metaweblog-20230501.234                      |
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| monokai-theme-20220117.1244                  |
| move-text-20231204.1514                      |
| mu4e-alert-20230722.1746                     |
| mu4e-marker-icons-20230423.1039              |
| mu4e-views-20230105.1443                     |
| multi-20131013.1544                          |
| multi-vterm-20221031.610                     |
| multiple-cursors-20230728.518                |
| mustache-20230713.514                        |
| neotree-20230815.219                         |
| nerd-icons-20231231.710                      |
| nerd-icons-dired-20231214.2155               |
| noflet-20141102.1454                         |
| notmuch-20231006.2337                        |
| notmuch-maildir-20240101.2221                |
| orderless-20220312.1944                      |
| orderless-20220418.2119                      |
| orderless-20230219.1648                      |
| org-alert-20231104.1236                      |
| org-beautify-theme-20170908.2218             |
| org-books-20210408.1913                      |
| org-bullets-20200317.1740                    |
| org-capture-pop-frame-20230516.236           |
| org-dashboard-20171223.1924                  |
| org-download-20220906.1929                   |
| org-fancy-priorities-20210830.1657           |
| org-inline-pdf-20230826.1220                 |
| org-mime-20220515.736                        |
| org-mime-20230321.2341                       |
| org-msg-20230530.2006                        |
| org-noter-20231205.37                        |
| org-noter-pdftools-20230725.1433             |
| org-pdftools-20220320.301                    |
| org-pomodoro-20220318.1618                   |
| org-pretty-tags-20211228.1546                |
| org-preview-html-20220809.1033               |
| org-protocol-jekyll-20170328.1639            |
| org-ref-20220327.1635                        |
| org-ref-20220331.2336                        |
| org-ref-20220509.1414                        |
| org-ref-20230312.1711                        |
| org-ref-prettify-20220507.649                |
| org-roam-20220304.647                        |
| org-roam-20220327.1811                       |
| org-roam-20220417.332                        |
| org-roam-20220515.2351                       |
| org-roam-20230307.1721                       |
| org-roam-bibtex-20220213.1609                |
| org-roam-bibtex-20230201.1834                |
| org-roam-bibtex-20230628.2036                |
| org-roam-server-20210521.1055                |
| org-tag-beautify-20230316.419.backup         |
| org-timeline-20211110.1952                   |
| org-web-tools-20231220.1515                  |
| org2blog-20230501.2319                       |
| org2web-20210203.324                         |
| ov-20230522.1117                             |
| ox-pandoc-20231222.1103                      |
| page-break-lines-20230804.658                |
| parsebib-20230228.1530                       |
| pass-20231206.736                            |
| password-menu-20240407.2241                  |
| password-store-20231201.954                  |
| password-store-otp-20220128.1320             |
| pcache-20220724.1841                         |
| pcre2el-20230828.1544                        |
| pdf-tools-20220418.1555                      |
| pdf-tools-20220512.145                       |
| pdf-tools-20230322.1541                      |
| pdf-tools-20230611.239                       |
| pdf-view-restore-20190904.1708               |
| peep-dired-20160321.2237                     |
| peg-1.0.1                                    |
| peg-1.0.1.signed                             |
| persist-0.5                                  |
| persist-0.5.signed                           |
| persistent-soft-20150223.1853                |
| pinentry-0.1                                 |
| pinentry-0.1.signed                          |
| pkg-info-20150517.1143                       |
| plz-0.7.1                                    |
| plz-0.7.1.signed                             |
| pocket-lib-20190720.1957                     |
| pocket-reader-20230904.539                   |
| popper-20220309.457                          |
| popper-20220406.336                          |
| popper-20230302.2055                         |
| popup-20240101.830                           |
| popup-complete-20141109.308                  |
| popup-edit-menu-20170404.1425                |
| popup-imenu-20210404.1153                    |
| popup-kill-ring-20131020.1854                |
| popup-switcher-20210402.1208                 |
| popwin-20210215.1849                         |
| pos-tip-20230721.834                         |
| posframe-20230714.227                        |
| powerline-20221110.1956                      |
| ppp-20220211.1529                            |
| prescient-20221216.112                       |
| pretty-symbols-20140814.959                  |
| projectile-20220227.551                      |
| projectile-20220329.937                      |
| projectile-20220419.1102                     |
| projectile-20220430.800                      |
| projectile-20230317.1101                     |
| promise-20210307.727                         |
| queue-0.2                                    |
| queue-0.2.signed                             |
| rainbow-delimiters-20210515.1254             |
| rainbow-identifiers-20141102.1526            |
| rainbow-mode-1.0.6                           |
| rainbow-mode-1.0.6.signed                    |
| reddigg-20240107.235                         |
| remember-last-theme-20170619.2133            |
| request-20230127.417                         |
| request-deferred-20220614.1604               |
| restart-emacs-20201127.1425                  |
| rich-minority-20190419.1136                  |
| s-20220902.1511                              |
| scratch-20220319.1705                        |
| selectrum-20220513.2106                      |
| selectrum-prescient-20231205.137             |
| shrink-path-20190208.1335                    |
| simple-httpd-20230821.1458                   |
| site-lisp-0.1.2                              |
| site-lisp-0.1.2.signed                       |
| smart-compile-20240102.1350                  |
| smart-mode-line-20211005.233                 |
| smart-mode-line-powerline-theme-20211005.233 |
| smex-20151212.2209                           |
| sml-mode-6.12                                |
| sml-mode-6.12.signed                         |
| solarized-theme-20231204.713                 |
| spell-fu-20230326.736                        |
| spell-fu-20230808.1342                       |
| spinner-1.7.4                                |
| spinner-1.7.4.signed                         |
| string-inflection-20220910.1306              |
| sudo-edit-20220801.1317                      |
| swiper-20231025.2311                         |
| swiper-helm-20180131.1744                    |
| synosaurus-20191125.552                      |
| tablist-20231019.1126                        |
| toc-org-20220110.1452                        |
| transient-20220130.1941                      |
| transient-20220227.1751                      |
| transient-20220325.1619                      |
| transient-20220422.1627                      |
| transient-20240106.1457                      |
| treepy-20230715.2154                         |
| ucs-utils-20230119.2237                      |
| undo-tree-0.8.2                              |
| undo-tree-0.8.2.signed                       |
| unicode-fonts-20230926.1502                  |
| vertico-0.23                                 |
| vertico-0.23.signed                          |
| vertico-1.2                                  |
| vertico-1.2.signed                           |
| vimrc-mode-20181116.1919                     |
| vterm-20220429.21                            |
| vterm-20230217.228                           |
| vterm-toggle-20230912.246                    |
| webpaste-20220524.1745                       |
| websocket-20230809.305                       |
| wfnames-20230924.1538                        |
| wgrep-20230203.1214                          |
| which-key-20220214.1818                      |
| which-key-20220419.227                       |
| which-key-20220518.1941                      |
| which-key-20220811.1616                      |
| with-editor-20220211.2034                    |
| with-editor-20220318.1640                    |
| with-editor-20220422.1628                    |
| with-editor-20220506.420                     |
| with-editor-20240101.2226                    |
| with-emacs-20220814.444                      |
| wordnut-20180313.443                         |
| writegood-mode-20220511.2109                 |
| wttrin-20170614.1206                         |
| xclip-1.11                                   |
| xclip-1.11.signed                            |
| xcscope-20230626.2109                        |
| xml-rpc-20231009.1432                        |
| xref-1.6.3                                   |
| xref-1.6.3.signed                            |
| xterm-color-20230321.3                       |
| xwidgets-reuse-20231205.1315                 |
| yaml-20231211.1501                           |
| zenburn-theme-20231120.2002                  |

Alright, there are precisely 402 packages. Some of them are necessary others were added in due course to add some specific functionality, which probably missing from the basic offering. Oh, importantly, I have failed to clean up a few of the old rugs, need to find time to do that.

Likewise, my other often-used editor is Vim2, and it has a similar effect to the above one.

Here is the package/capabilities included for the sake of enhancement 🙂

ls -al ~/.vim/bundle | gawk '{ print $9 }' | grep -v .vundle
|                                         |
| .                                       |
| ..                                      |
| AutoComplPop                            |
| Vundle.vim                              |
| ack.vim                                 |
| auto-pairs                              |
| bash-support.vim                        |
| calendar.vim                            |
| command-t                               |
| commentary                              |
| cscope_quickfix.vim                     |
| cscope_quickfix.vim.2022-02-26_12:15:38 |
| fileselect                              |
| fzf                                     |
| fzf.vim                                 |
| i3config.vim                            |
| open-browser.vim                        |
| org.vim                                 |
| restore_view.vim                        |
| scratch.vim                             |
| setcolors.vim                           |
| sudo.vim                                |
| surround                                |
| tabular                                 |
| tagbar                                  |
| undotree                                |
| unimpaired                              |
| urlview.vim                             |
| vifm.vim                                |
| vim-LanguageTool                        |
| vim-airline                             |
| vim-airline-themes                      |
| vim-bookmarks                           |
| vim-colors-solarized                    |
| vim-colorschemes                        |
| vim-commentary                          |
| vim-exchange                            |
| vim-floaterm                            |
| vim-gnupg                               |
| vim-latex                               |
| vim-live-latex-preview                  |
| vim-macrobatics                         |
| vim-markdown                            |
| vim-mergetool                           |
| vim-shortcut                            |
| vim-startify                            |
| vim-startuptime                         |
| vim-surround                            |
| vim-taskwarrior                         |
| vim-terminator                          |
| vim-titlecase                           |
| vim-unimpaired                          |
| vim-winmanip                            |
| vimagit                                 |
| vimwiki                                 |

Now, if you can count, it has 56 plugins to get with it. You must be screaming that a whooping number and it certainly slows down the damn thing. Yes, it is and I am in the process eliminating of one after another once I figure out, how to achieve that functionality in the normal way. That takes a lot of time to investigate and implement.

Now, if I measure (with the available capability) the startup time, it shows like this :

Emacs startup time by Esup3

Total User Startup Time: 0.891sec     Total Number of GC Pauses: 40     Total GC Time: 0.552sec

Vim startup time by vim-startuptime4

times in msec
 clock   self+sourced   self:  sourced script
 clock   elapsed:              other lines

000.045  000.045: --- VIM STARTING ---
000.664  000.619: Allocated generic buffers
000.849  000.185: locale set
000.874  000.025: window checked
003.145  002.271: inits 1
003.307  000.162: parsing arguments
003.311  000.004: expanding arguments
003.422  000.111: shell init
005.727  002.305: Termcap init
005.785  000.058: inits 2
006.414  000.629: init highlight
018.887  008.160  008.160: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/colors/lists/default.vim
019.799  010.035  001.875: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/syncolor.vim
020.458  011.167  001.132: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/synload.vim
084.334  000.331  000.331: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/cmake.vim
086.198  001.720  001.720: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/gentoo.vim
086.407  000.067  000.067: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/llvm-lit.vim
086.577  000.053  000.053: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/llvm.vim
086.899  000.214  000.214: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/meson.vim
087.063  000.052  000.052: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/mir.vim
087.244  000.073  000.073: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/ninja.vim
087.402  000.049  000.049: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/tablegen.vim
087.588  000.076  000.076: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/vifm-rename.vim
087.834  000.135  000.135: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/vifm.vim
088.542  067.762  064.992: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/filetype.vim
093.431  002.125  002.125: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/autoload/dist/script.vim
098.955  008.094  005.969: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/scripts.vim
099.834  091.093  004.070: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/syntax.vim
100.458  000.087  000.087: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/filetype.vim
101.121  000.383  000.383: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/ftplugin.vim
103.035  096.427  004.864: sourcing /etc/vim/vimrc
107.433  003.239  003.239: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/ftoff.vim
160.588  000.258  000.258: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/cmake.vim
162.086  001.355  001.355: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/gentoo.vim
162.271  000.061  000.061: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/llvm-lit.vim
162.433  000.052  000.052: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/llvm.vim
162.778  000.176  000.176: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/meson.vim
162.944  000.053  000.053: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/mir.vim
163.103  000.051  000.051: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/ninja.vim
163.260  000.049  000.049: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/tablegen.vim
163.430  000.063  000.063: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/vifm-rename.vim
163.661  000.122  000.122: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/vifm.vim
164.213  054.170  051.930: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/filetype.vim
164.624  000.113  000.113: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/ftplugin.vim
165.155  000.255  000.255: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/indent.vim
169.473  003.027  003.027: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/nosyntax.vim
171.447  001.209  001.209: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/syncolor.vim
172.075  002.255  001.046: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/synload.vim
172.774  007.387  002.105: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/syntax.vim
174.931  001.181  001.181: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/syncolor.vim
181.195  005.918  005.918: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/colors/lists/default.vim
184.816  001.168  001.168: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/syncolor.vim
186.794  001.187  001.187: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/syntax/syncolor.vim
200.897  019.425  017.070: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/colors/solarized.vim
202.779  001.239  001.239: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle.vim
204.590  001.286  001.286: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/config.vim
256.456  000.103  000.103: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/filetype.vim
259.708  000.122  000.122: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/ftplugin.vim
262.862  000.076  000.076: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/indent.vim
266.179  000.083  000.083: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/filetype.vim
269.428  000.101  000.101: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/ftplugin.vim
272.708  001.564  001.564: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-shortcut/plugin/shortcut.vim
328.697  000.111  000.111: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.cache/calendar.vim/credentials.vim
383.577  000.804  000.804: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/setcolors.vim
469.561  003.215  003.215: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/cscope_quickfix.vim
474.522  000.528  000.528: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim
545.616  442.391  341.471: sourcing $HOME/.vimrc
545.684  000.452: sourcing vimrc file(s)
552.570  003.226  003.226: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/plugin/dwm.vim
553.069  000.328  000.328: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/plugin/fileselect.vim
553.695  000.505  000.505: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/plugin/sshknownhost.vim
557.231  000.815  000.815: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/init.vim
560.924  000.729  000.729: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/parts.vim
573.579  001.500  001.500: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/util.vim
574.214  019.966  016.922: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/plugin/airline.vim
574.994  000.223  000.223: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline-themes/plugin/airline-themes.vim
610.281  034.764  034.764: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-startuptime/plugin/startuptime.vim
612.897  000.216  000.216: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vifm.vim/autoload/vifm/globals.vim
616.139  005.051  004.835: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vifm.vim/plugin/vifm.vim
618.365  001.568  001.568: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-gnupg/plugin/gnupg.vim
626.801  002.194  002.194: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/AutoComplPop/autoload/acp.vim
628.558  009.693  007.499: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/AutoComplPop/plugin/acp.vim
639.065  009.881  009.881: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/tagbar/plugin/tagbar.vim
641.643  001.438  001.438: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-latex/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim
643.070  001.220  001.220: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-latex/plugin/filebrowser.vim
647.544  004.293  004.293: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-latex/plugin/imaps.vim
648.664  000.844  000.844: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-latex/plugin/remoteOpen.vim
650.099  000.546  000.546: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/calendar.vim/plugin/calendar.vim
658.499  007.832  007.832: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/fzf.vim/plugin/fzf.vim
664.504  005.429  005.429: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/fzf/plugin/fzf.vim
665.361  000.081  000.081: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-shortcut/plugin/shortcut.vim
733.216  067.441  067.441: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-unimpaired/plugin/unimpaired.vim
735.309  001.363  001.363: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/undotree/plugin/undotree.vim
737.418  001.658  001.658: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary/plugin/commentary.vim
742.198  004.232  004.232: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-surround/plugin/surround.vim
743.825  000.941  000.941: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-titlecase/plugin/titlecase.vim
747.157  002.878  002.878: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-macrobatics/plugin/macrobatics.vim
748.615  000.935  000.935: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-startify/plugin/startify.vim
749.618  000.544  000.544: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/urlview.vim/plugin/urlview.vim
751.348  001.256  001.256: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/scratch.vim/plugin/scratch.vim
753.979  002.184  002.184: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/open-browser.vim/plugin/openbrowser.vim
757.265  002.699  002.699: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/command-t/plugin/command-t.vim
768.491  010.762  010.762: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/bash-support.vim/plugin/bash-support.vim
770.830  001.682  001.682: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/sudo.vim/plugin/sudo.vim
772.508  001.140  001.140: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-terminator/plugin/terminator.vim
775.070  001.135  001.135: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vimagit/plugin/../common/magit_common.vim
781.320  008.090  006.955: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vimagit/plugin/magit.vim
783.810  001.825  001.825: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/tabular/plugin/Tabular.vim
787.673  003.045  003.045: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-floaterm/plugin/floaterm.vim
793.701  003.919  003.919: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimwiki/autoload/vimwiki/vars.vim
805.997  000.821  000.821: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimwiki/autoload/vimwiki/u.vim
830.932  042.788  038.048: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vimwiki/plugin/vimwiki.vim
832.191  000.557  000.557: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-LanguageTool/plugin/LanguageTool.vim
834.218  001.593  001.593: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/restore_view.vim/plugin/restore_view.vim
838.182  003.482  003.482: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-winmanip/plugin/winmanip.vim
840.209  001.505  001.505: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/ack.vim/plugin/ack.vim
844.381  003.696  003.696: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-exchange/plugin/exchange.vim
1027.886  183.913  183.913: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-taskwarrior/plugin/taskwarrior.vim
1033.093  004.417  004.417: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/auto-pairs/plugin/auto-pairs.vim
1035.066  001.283  001.283: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-mergetool/plugin/mergetool.vim
1044.203  008.570  008.570: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-bookmarks/plugin/bookmark.vim
1045.999  000.663  000.663: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/gentoo-common.vim
1048.775  000.090  000.090: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/gentoo-common.vim
1053.446  007.257  007.167: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/newebuild.vim
1056.404  000.092  000.092: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/gentoo-common.vim
1060.081  006.363  006.271: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/newglep.vim
1062.828  000.090  000.090: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/gentoo-common.vim
1066.285  006.034  005.944: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/newinitd.vim
1068.994  000.083  000.083: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/gentoo-common.vim
1072.747  006.286  006.203: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/newmetadata.vim
1075.100  000.475  000.475: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
1077.266  002.009  002.009: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/gzip.vim
1079.235  001.781  001.781: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/logiPat.vim
1079.779  000.300  000.300: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/manpager.vim
1081.498  001.569  001.569: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/matchparen.vim
1086.932  005.231  005.231: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
1087.346  000.091  000.091: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/rrhelper.vim
1087.723  000.198  000.198: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/spellfile.vim
1089.357  001.461  001.461: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/tarPlugin.vim
1090.773  001.150  001.150: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/tohtml.vim
1092.228  001.272  001.272: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim
1094.122  001.506  001.506: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/plugin/zipPlugin.vim
1096.521  001.601  001.601: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/pack/dist/opt/justify/plugin/justify.vim
1097.901  000.635  000.635: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vim90/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim
1098.182  036.249: loading plugins
1099.534  000.114  000.114: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/pack/plugins/start/org/ftdetect/org.vim
1100.178  000.099  000.099: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimwiki/plugin/vimwiki.vim
1100.777  002.382: loading packages
1109.017  001.963  001.963: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/tabular/autoload/tabular.vim
1127.504  023.147  021.184: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/tabular/after/plugin/TabularMaps.vim
1128.734  004.810: loading after plugins
1128.795  000.061: inits 3
1130.927  002.132: reading viminfo
1131.091  000.164: setting raw mode
1131.176  000.085: start termcap
1131.550  000.374: clearing screen
1135.886  002.635  002.635: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions.vim
1137.293  000.458  000.458: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/quickfix.vim
1139.390  001.481  001.481: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline.vim
1141.410  000.359  000.359: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/netrw.vim
1143.069  000.369  000.369: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/fzf.vim
1148.446  000.737  000.737: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/section.vim
1152.667  002.190  002.190: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/highlighter.vim
1154.964  008.850  005.923: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/term.vim
1157.076  000.269  000.269: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/commandt.vim
1158.199  000.216  000.216: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/undotree.vim
1159.786  000.584  000.584: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/vimagit.vim
1161.172  000.458  000.458: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/tagbar.vim
1162.530  000.257  000.257: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/bookmark.vim
1166.180  001.102  001.102: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/whitespace.vim
1169.049  000.443  000.443: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/po.vim
1170.701  000.725  000.725: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/wordcount.vim
1172.399  000.176  000.176: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/keymap.vim
1178.204  000.322  000.322: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/searchcount.vim
1213.431  000.277  000.277: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-taskwarrior/autoload/airline/extensions/taskwarrior.vim
1245.936  000.482  000.482: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/themes.vim
1248.702  004.443  003.961: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline-themes/autoload/airline/themes/base16_gruvbox_dark_hard.vim
1273.917  003.793  003.793: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline-themes/autoload/airline/themes/base16_gruvbox_dark_hard.vim
1465.058  001.186  001.186: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/builder.vim
1470.131  000.697  000.697: sourcing /home/bhaskar/.vim/bundle/vim-airline/autoload/airline/extensions/default.vim
1680.752  520.102: opening buffers
1691.410  010.658: BufEnter autocommands
1691.443  000.033: editing files in windows

Nope, not good. Needs serious trimming. But what is stopping me is that I have to find time and figure out what could be done to replace them with the native way. But by looking at the result I can spot a few for immediate removal because I am not using a few things that are still there and gobble up precious seconds.

Here is my Emacs client running in terminal mode i.e. with the -nw flags :


And here is what my Vim’s initial screen looks like :


Linux Viewing Man Pages Via Various Methods

So, viewing Linux Manual Pages is an integral activity that we often perform. But the important part is, we want it to get access from anywhere in the system. Simply, because of convenience to find out the exact details we are sought after.

In this post, I am going to show you various ways I personally access those man pages in my system. You might like it and if any of them suits your workflow might adapt it.

Accessing Linux Manual Pages Via Window Manager And Associated Tools

This is a biggie, and it needs more than one tool to accomplish the job. In crux, the integration helps to see manual pages via dmenu and shows up with a pdf viewer.

First I needed to curate a little script and I wrote it in bash1 (you can use whatever language you are comfortable with) and it is essentially a borrowed idea, so I adopted it.

Here is the little script :

#!/usr/bin/env bash

man -k .  | dmenu -l 30 | gawk '{print $1}' | xargs -r man -Tpdf | zathura - &

You see, I am sitting on I3 Window Manager2 and using dmenu3 as a command launcher, and then using all the basic UNIX commands, and finally using zathura4 as pdf viewer.

I have a bind in the window Maker configuration file(i.e. i3 config file) like this :

bhaskar_13:13:50_Fri Apr 12: :~>grep manual .ithreeconfig | head -2
# Open manual page as pdf
bindsym $mod+grave exec manual_view_in_pdf

The grave sign is on the same key where the tilde sign is i.e. from the top second-row leftmost key on the QWERTY keyboard.

And I don’t have to stretch much of my finger to use this key bind. YMMV.

From The Terminal aka Command Line And With The Help Of FZF5

I have a small snippet in my .bashrc file which allows me to search and see the Linux Manual page on the terminal itself.

Here is the code :

bhaskar_13:19:36_Fri Apr 12: :~>declare -f tm
tm ()
    local man_page;
    man_page=$(man -k . | sort | fzf --prompt='Man Pages> ' --preview='echo {} | awk "{print \$1}" | xargs man' --preview-window=right:60%:wrap);
    man "$(echo "$man_page" | awk '{print $1}')"

See! Nothing much. When I invoke tm on the command line, it shows like this :


Accessing Linux Manual Pages Via Vim6

This is again a borrowed idea and because I use Vim extensively, so thought to integrate with it for benefit.

Here is what I have in my .vimrc

bhaskar_13:23:26_Fri Apr 12: :~>grep Man .vimrc
" Man pages with fzf
command! -nargs=? Man call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({'source': 'man -k -s 1 '.shellescape(<q-args>).' | cut -d " " -f 1', 'sink': 'tab Man', 'options': ['--preview', 'MANPAGER=bat MANWIDTH='.(&columns/2-4).' man {}']}))
nnoremap <Leader>m :Man<CR>

As you can see, I have a key bind ;a, and if I invoke that inside Vim, then it will show like this:


Accessing Linux Manual Pages Via Emacs7

When I am inside the Emacs environment, then I try to use the wonderful facilities provided by that environment to enhance productivity. Emacs has a way of showing Linux manual pages, and once invoked via key cord or M-x prompt, it shows like this :


Linux Distributions Download And Verification Automation

Alright, Linux Fanatics never stops trying various things aka exploring, especially when they are young and exuberant. We all have been trapped in that vicious activity for years just for perfection. Alas! Despite our endless hours search and doing various crazy things, we are just not settling on a particular thing.

Distro hopping is considered very normal and in fact, a desired activity seen by other fellas in the field of the same. Not doing so, considered that serious limitation of your intellect and capabilities and is sometimes frowned upon. So, as a result, we all dive in with aplomb and do as many crazy things as possible. But that does not end there, we go one step further and claim our specific work is a kinda standard and others should follow.

This is a vibe and not necessarily told explicitly otherwise. Any enthusiasts with little sense get it within a few days of foray into this bandwagon. And it doesn’t take too much to be part of it. Especially the shortcoming of our knowledge about the internals initially makes it even more possible. The suggestions you are getting everywhere, on all the online places, namely, forums and site specifics to support provide you with weird suggestions to try out. And our brains are so triggered by those suggestions and we do not waste time to head on to try all that said. Such a force.

Likewise, the beauty of open-source software is that your problem no longer stays unresolved for too long. How? Someone like you might encounter it and find a solution to that problem and post it online somewhere so others get the benefit of that finding. Such a boon. But, wait, there are lots of presumptions regarding that. It is not always the case. Sometimes, suggestions are way off and done in assumption and importantly in very different situations and environments. People get stumped by that very often with a late realization. The temptation to find the solution is so high that people ignore the basics of understanding and have an unfathomable inclination to adopt whatever is thrown at them.

You learn some by reading those offerings and loathe some. Not to mention, in between creeps devilish idea to put on the sword’s edge to get the sadistic pleasure of your unawareness. But, don’t worry you will learn fast, how to avoid those evils. They follow some patterns and it is very vivid despite their motivated effort.

Moreover, every damn Linux distribution offers some flavor to make themselves different from the others. Sometimes, it is a business policy, and others are driven by some sort of inexplicable ethos for design. Also, people offering those distributions came from different backgrounds and understandings, so baked that into their loved stuff. As a result, we as an end user get various flavors to try on.

People start to play with them having installed in the physical partitions( many many moons ago, and I belong from that era), and then comes virtualization, which makes things easier to try something and not touch the base system. Plus, you do not have to wrongly erase in the process the wrong drive having different things.

Now, why do people try that I have said it at the outset of this article. But there are more, namely, people get bored with one thing, different looks and feel, and missing capabilities on one and finding it on the other. I have personally tried at least 30 of various offerings(nope, I am not ashamed of that) before setting on finally a few selective ones. It is a process that takes years to neck deep in the ecosystem to get along and find out the pros and cons(like every other thing in life). But, the realization kicks in with various factors come into play. In your pursuit of finding the silver bullet (that’s taken out Fredrick. P. Brooks, Jr’s paper by the same name)conclude that there is NO silver bullet to all our desired Linux distributions. There never will be.

The availability of preferred software packages is not consistent and sometimes does not even ship. The awkward naming scheme of the same packages for different distributions confused end users and forced them to search more. Nope, compiling from is NOT the norm, until you are forced, desperate, and capable of resolving the glitch by looking or it in the code or asking various places on the internet, many people I have seen, don’t ask questions and they are stuck with their fallacy. They thought asking questions publicly was a matter of shame and not good for their ego and status. So, they suffer the most by being dumb and spending a hell of a time doing things they are not supposed to do.

We all know that Eric. S. Raymond wrote a template1, that should be the basis of asking questions in places where you seek help. Not so surprisingly, the majority of the people initially do not read it or find it and know it, so make fault by putting the way they feel it helps them to answer their query. Not the way it is. So, eventually, someone wise enough to point that document to them insists on reading for their betterment. Those who do, have an edge over others in the future of getting help.

To make things easy for people with an unavoidable need to hop between various distributions, I have written an ordinary script(inspired by some other people’s already-written ideas) to download and verify the chosen distribution. Some of the stuff might need some careful updates because it is been a while since I haven’t updated the script. I am expecting the user will be curious enough to find the missing part and update accordingly.

Here is the script entirety for your perusal 🙂

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Download and verify Linux distribution installers/ISO images
# Modified version of

set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail

# Configuration

# one of: amd64-i386 amd64 armel armhf i386 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel multi-arch powerpc s390 s390x source sparc
#change the below date manually
### VOID Linux

# abort on errors
set -o errexit


#-c        only check that the url returns 200, don't download anything"

distros="Available distributions:

if [[ $# == 0 ]];then
        echo $usage
        echo $distros

download_gentoo() {
    if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/gentoo/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/gentoo/"; fi
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading gentoo keyring, checksums and signature..."
    gpg2 --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "$gentoo_gpg2_fingerprint"
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/gentoo/" "${gentoo_base_url}${gentoo_gpg2keyring_filename}"
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/gentoo/" "${gentoo_base_url}${gentoo_sums_filename}"
    gpg2 --verify "gentoo/${gentoo_sums_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading Gentoo Live ISO image..."
    wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/gentoo/" "${gentoo_base_url}/${gentoo_iso_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Verifying Gentoo Live ISO image integrity..."
    cd "$download_dir/gentoo/" && sha512sum --ignore-missing -c <(cat ${gentoo_sums_filename}) && cd -
download_debian() {
    if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/debian/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/debian/"; fi
    echo "Downloading Debian keyring, checksums and signature..."
     gpg2 --keyserver hkps://  --recv-keys "$debian_gpg2_fingerprint"
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/debian/" "$debian_sums_url"
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    wget -N -nv  --show-progress -P "$download_dir/debian/" "$debian_sums_sign_url"
    echo "Verifying Debian signature..."
    gpg2 --verify "$download_dir/debian/SHA512SUMS.sign" "$download_dir/debian/SHA512SUMS"
    echo "Downloading Debian ISO image..."
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/debian/" "$debian_base_url/$debian_iso_filename"
    echo "Verifying Debian ISO image integrity..."
    cd "$download_dir/debian/" && sha512sum -c <(cat SHA512SUMS) && cd -
download_freebsd() {
    if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/freebsd/" ]]; then mkdir "$download_dir/freebsd/"; fi
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading freebsd keyring, checksums and signature..."
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    wget $wget_opts --timestamping --no-verbose --show-progress -P "$download_dir/freebsd/" "$freebsd_gpg2keyring_url"
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    wget $wget_opts --timestamping --no-verbose --show-progress  -P "$download_dir/freebsd/" "$freebsd_sums_url"
    gpg2 --verify "freebsd/$freebsd_sums_filename"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading freebsd ISO image..."
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    wget $wget_opts --continue --timestamping --no-verbose --show-progress -P "$download_dir/freebsd/" "$freebsd_base_url/$freebsd_iso_filename"
    echo "Verifying freebsd ISO image integrity..."
    cd "$download_dir/freebsd/" && sha512sum --ignore-missing -c <(cat ${freebsd_sums_filename}) && cd -
download_slackware_current() {
        if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/slackware_current/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/slackware_current/"; fi
        wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/slackware_current" "${slack_base_url}${slack_sums_filename}"
        echo "Downloading Slackware-current Linux ISO image..."
        wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/slackware_current/" "${slack_base_url}${slack_iso_filename}"
        echo "Verifying Slackware-current ISO image integrity..."
        cd "$download_dir/slackware_current/" && md5sum -c <(cat ${slack_sums_filename}) && cd -
download_archlinux() {
        if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/archlinux/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/archlinux/"; fi
        echo "Downloading arch keyring, checksums and signature..."
        gpg2  --recv-keys "$arch_gpg2_fingerprint"
        wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/archlinux/" "${arch_base_url}${arch_gpg2keyring_filename}"
        wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/archlinux/" "${arch_base_url}${arch_sums_filename}"
     #   gpg2 --verify  "archlinux/$arch_gpg2keyring_filename" "archlinux/${arch_sums_filename}"
        echo "Downloading Arch Linux ISO image..."
        wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/archlinux/" "${arch_base_url}${arch_iso_filename}"
        echo "Verifying Arch Linux ISO image integrity..."
        cd "$download_dir/archlinux/" && sha1sum --ignore-missing -c <(cat ${arch_sums_filename}) && cd -
download_opensuse_tumbleweed() {
    if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/opensuse/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/opensuse/"; fi
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading Opensuse Tumbleweed keyring, checksums and signature..."
    gpg2 --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "$opensuse_gpg2_fingerprint"
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/opensuse/" "${opensuse_base_url}${opensuse_sums_filename}"
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/opensuse/" "${opensuse_base_url}${opensuse_asc_filename}"
    gpg2 --verify  "opensuse/${opensuse_asc_filename}" "opensuse/${opensuse_sums_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading OpenSUSE Tumbleweed ISO image..."
    wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/opensuse/" "${opensuse_base_url}${opensuse_iso_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Verifying OpenSUSE Tumbleweed ISO image integrity..."
    cd "$download_dir/opensuse/" && sha256sum --ignore-missing -c <(cat ${opensuse_sums_filename}) && cd -
download_ubuntu() {
        if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/ubuntu/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/ubuntu/"; fi
        echo "Downloading Ubuntu keyring, checksums and signature..."
        gpg2  --keyid-format long --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "$ubuntu_gpg2_fingerprint1" "$ubuntu_gpg2_fingerprint2"
        wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/ubuntu/" "${ubuntu_base_url}${ubuntu_gpg2keyring_filename}"
        wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/ubuntu/" "${ubuntu_base_url}${ubuntu_sums_filename}"
        gpg2 --keyid-format long --verify "ubuntu/${ubuntu_gpg2keyring_filename}" "ubuntu/${ubuntu_sums_filename}"
        echo "Downloading Ubuntu Latest Desktop ISO image..."
        wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/ubuntu/" "${ubuntu_base_url}/${ubuntu_iso_filename}"
        echo "Verifying Ubuntu Desktop ISO image integrity..."
        cd "$download_dir/ubuntu/" && sha256sum --ignore-missing -c <(cat ${ubuntu_sums_filename}) && cd -
download_voidlinux() {
        if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/voidlinux/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/voidlinux/"; fi
        echo "Downloading VoidLinux keyring, checksums and signature..."
        gpg2  --keyid-format long --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "$voidlinux_gpg2_fingerprint"
        wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/voidlinux/" "${voidlinux_base_url}${voidlinux_gpg2keyring_filename}"
        wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/voidlinux/" "${voidlinux_base_url}${voidlinux_sums_filename}"
        echo "Downloading VoidLinux ISO image..."
        wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/voidlinux/" "${voidlinux_base_url}${voidlinux_iso_filename}"
        echo "Verifying VoidLinux ISO image integrity..."
        cd "$download_dir/voidlinux/" && sha256sum --ignore-missing -c <(cat ${voidlinux_sums_filename}) && cd -
download_nixos() {
        if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/nixos/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/nixos/"; fi
        echo "Downloading NixOS security devs keys ..."
        gpg2  --keyid-format long --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "$nixos_gpg2_fingerprint1" "$nixos_gpg2_fingerprint2" "$nixos_gpg2_fingerprint3"
        echo "Downloading NixOS Graphical install ISO image..."
        wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/nixos/" "${nixos_base_url}${nixos_iso_filename}"
download_fedora() {
    if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/fedora/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/fedora/"; fi
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading fedora keyring, checksums and signature..."
    gpg2 --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "$fedora_gpg2_fingerprint"
    #wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/fedora/" "${fedora_base_url}${fedora_gpg2keyring_filename}"
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/fedora/" "${fedora_base_url}${fedora_sums_filename}"
    gpg2 --verify "fedora/${fedora_sums_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading Fedora Everything Netinstall ISO image..."
    wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/fedora/" "${fedora_base_url}${fedora_iso_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Verifying Fedora Everything Netinstall ISO image integrity..."
    cd "$download_dir/fedora/" && sha256sum --ignore-missing -c <(cat ${fedora_sums_filename}) && cd -
download_solus() {
    if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/solus/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/solus/"; fi
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading Solus keyring, checksums and signature..."
    gpg2  --keyserver hkps://  --recv-keys "$solus_gpg2_fingerprint"
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/solus/" "${solus_base_url}${solus_gpg2keyring_filename}"
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/solus/" "${solus_base_url}${solus_sums_filename}"
    gpg2 --verify "solus/${solus_gpg2keyring_filename}" "solus/${solus_sums_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading Solus Budgie Desktop ISO image..."
    wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/solus/" "${solus_base_url}${solus_iso_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Verifying Solus Desktop ISO image integrity..."
    cd "$download_dir/solus/" && sha256sum --ignore-missing -c <(cat ${solus_sums_filename}) && cd -
download_clearlinux() {
    if [[ ! -d "$download_dir/clearlinux/" ]]; then mkdir -p "$download_dir/clearlinux/"; fi
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading ClearLinux keyring, checksums and signature..."
   # gpg2 --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "$clearlinux_gpg2_fingerprint"
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/clearlinux/" "${clearlinux_base_url}${clearlinux_gpg2keyring_filename}"
    wget -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/clearlinux/" "${clearlinux_base_url}${clearlinux_sums_filename}"
   # gpg2 --verify "clearlinux/${clearlinux_gpg2keyring_filename}" "clearlinux/${clearlinux_sums_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Downloading ClearLinux ISO image..."
    wget --continue -N -nv --show-progress -P "$download_dir/clearlinux/" "${clearlinux_base_url}/${clearlinux_iso_filename}"
    echo "[distrib-dl] INFO: Verifying ClearLinux ISO image integrity..."
    cd "$download_dir/clearlinux/" && sha512sum --ignore-missing -c <(cat ${clearlinux_sums_filename}) && cd -

 _main() {
    while getopts ":c" opt; do
        case $opt in
            c) wget_opts="--spider"; shift;;
            \?) echo "[distrib-dl] ERROR: invalid option -$OPTARG" >&2; exit 1;;

    for distribution in "$@"; do
        if [[ "$distribution" == "gentoo" ]] ; then download_gentoo; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "debian" ]] ; then download_debian; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "freebsd" ]] ; then download_freebsd; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "--help" ]]; then echo "Usage: $usage"; exit 1; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "slackware_current" ]] ; then download_slackware_current; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" ==  "archlinux" ]] ; then download_archlinux; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "opensuse_tumbleweed" ]] ; then download_opensuse_tumbleweed; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "ubuntu" ]] ; then download_ubuntu; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "voidlinux" ]] ; then download_voidlinux; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "nixos" ]] ; then download_nixos; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "fedora" ]] ; then download_fedora; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "solus" ]] ; then download_solus; fi
        if [[ "$distribution" == "clearlinux" ]]; then download_clearlinux; fi


_main "$@"

Spend some time with it to help you get your stuff easily. Here is an interaction with it :


Linux Email Client Mutt Take Advantage Of Procmail And Fetchmail

Okay, I have written about Mutt before. Here I am going to specifically focus on two important tools to get integrated with it to help use this wonderful email client experience much better.


This is a wonderful utility to help filter messages. Here is my .procmailrc







!^Content-Type: message/

!^Content-Type: multipart/

!^Content-Type: application/pgp


:0 fBw

formail \

-i “Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=encrypt”

:0 fBw

formail \

-i “Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=sign” }

:0 h

  • ^Subject:[ ]+\/(|send)[ ]+key pub\>.*
mutt -s “Re: $MATCH” `formail -rtzxTo:` </home/bhaskar/gpg_pub_key/bhaskar_gpg.asc































│ |grep “^To:\|^Subject:” > /run/user/1000/mail.notify-send; DISPLAY=:0 && export XAUTHORITY=/home/bhaskar/.Xauthority; notify-send –icon=/home/bhaskar/Pictures/neomutt.png “`cat /run/user/1000/mail.notify-send`”;

Basically to throw away useless junk mail permanently. You could write many other rules if you like to. Also, I have a key bind in my .muttrc to invoke it by hand from time to time.

macro index G "!fetchmail -a -m 'procmail -d %T'\r"


I have used it to fetch mail from the remote IMAP server. Here is my .fetchmailrc

#set daemon 120

set logfile /home/bhaskar/.fetchmail.log
     poll protocol imap
#poll protocol imap
          username "your_mail_address" password "your_password" is "bhaskar" here keep ssl;

          mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"

Linux Extract Email Addresses and Web URLs From A Long Document

Alright! This is a tiny post about specifically two functions. You can either use it directly from the command line or embed those pieces into another script to do the job it is made for. I have used them in both forms. So, thought to share it with you people. 🙂

The file I am using to get the stuff from is quite big and filled with so much text. Refer to as a file in the screenshots. I believe the similar file I have used in the video too.

Extracting Email Addresses From The Document

#!/usr/bin/env bash


egrep -o  "\b[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]\b+" $filename

Hey, it is darn simple. In crux, it happens between the word boundary and the use of specific characters and symbols.



Extracting The Web URLs From The Document

#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [[ $1 == "" ]];then
        echo you need to provide the filename.
        exit 1

sed -ne 's/.*\(http[^"]*\).*/\1/p'  < $filename

Ah, it is even easier, simple capture with some regex and replay it to print.



Alternatively, You can take a peek at my YouTube Video regarding that.

Linux WordPress Blog Publish From Command Line

Well, I have been writing and posting my blogs on WordPress site using Emacs1. That was such a convenient and powerful package someone wrote and compelled me to adopt it and use it vigorously.

But depending on a single piece of software(after all, it is software, and every damn software is prone to bugs)is not a wise thing to do, when the other equally well(researched) option is good enough for backup and do the normal job in case the primary software misbehaves.

This kind of thing happens quite often with all the software, irrespective of whether it is open or closed source.

I was bugged(momentarily, read a few hours) by some sort of Emacs miscreants(it was probably all my fault than Emacs’s)and then that very moment I searched out for an alternative software that could do the same. And surprisingly, it takes very little time to find one. Someone bright enough has already written that piece for us. This is the true beauty of using open-source software, if someone encounters the same problem and finds a solution, they post it publicly for others to consume.

I have found a gem to publish a WordPress blog from the command line via a Perl script2.

Now, for my job to be easier, I have written a wrapper script to do the same. Here is the script entirety for your perusal :

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This is a wrapper around a perl script to post woresspress blog from org file
# The original script can be found here :


_abort() {
if test "$post_file" == "";then
        echo You have not given the file containg the help below..
        $(command -v org2wp) -h
        exit 1

# This is default behavior of the original script too,just making sure
_draft()  {
            if test $# -eq 1;then

                echo Posting as draft .....wait ...

                $(command -v org2wp) "$post_file"

                if test $? -eq 0;then

                        echo Posted the draft...checking at wordpress web interface..
                        setsid -f $(command -v firefox) "" 2>&1 >/dev/null


# This is how directly publish the post
_publish() {

        if test $# -ne 2;then


           echo Posting for publish directly .....

           $(command -v org2wp) --publish "$post_file"

# Calling up the routines
_main() {

      _draft "$@"

     _publish "$@"

_main "$@"

See! It is nothing much.

Now, you can watch that live on my YouTube Video

Linux nvme-cli Is To Aid NVME SSD Management

Well, modern-day computers come along with a new format, physical and logical, form called nvme1 way. It is no longer in spindle disk form. It is fast and occupies less space inside the chassis. So, the tool to manage this device is quite different than the way people used to handle and manage the disk previously.

nvme-cli2 is the package that ships with all the Linux distributions and might come in handy. So, go ahead and install it fast. You should be getting it from your chosen distribution’s main repository.

Now, I am going to show you some of the commands this package provides. Some of the commands need very careful steps to be performed or not to be used at all if you are not doing the prescribed task. In other words, some of the commands can prove fatal to play with, if there is no solid reason to invoke them.

nvme list


nvme id-ctrl


nvme id-ns


nvme smart-log


nvme error-log


I have stripped the screenshots for the sake of brevity and left them for the reader to use on their terminal to see the full output. Because many of the sub-commands produce quite large output, it is not wise to show here.

Let me give you the entire list from the actual document, where all the commands are mentioned:

nvme version    Display the current version
nvme list       Lists all the NVMe SSDs attached: name, serial number, size, LBA format, and serial
nvme id-ctrl    Discover information about NVMe controller and features it supports
nvme id-ns      Discover optimal namespace size, protection information, LBA size
nvme format     Secure erase the data on an SSD, format an LBA size or protection information for end-to-end data protection
nvme sanitize   Securely eliminate all data on device, cannot be stopped. Supports block, crypto, and overwrite
nvme smart-log  Health of the SSD (critical warning info), temperature, endurance, power on hours and error summary
nvme error-log  A log that contains information about errors encountered
nvme reset      Resets the NVMe controller
nvme create-ns  Create a namespace, can be used for overproviosning an SSD
nvme delete-ns  Remove a namespace
nvme device-self-test   Simple test for health of a drive, pass/fail
nvme fw-download, fw-commit     Download firmware to the drive, update the firmware on the drive
nvme help       Lists all the available commands

You can update the firmware of the SSD with the help of a subcommand.