How To Solve Perl Module And Binary Mismatch Error

Well, I was playing with a specific software written in Perl and while doing so, I corrupted the modules’ files. As a result, I was denied to do some normal operations in Perl as well as in other software which is dependent on it.

Here is some context that might enlighten or clear the picture. As I have mentioned in the past in many places that I do have several partitions on my HDD?SSD to accommodate various distributions to host physically. I am not a fan or have great taste in virtualization. While the specific software I was playing with worked well with three of the OSes I have, out of four. That means, one of the OS is having trouble with it and that is Slackware.

It was entirely my fault to get into trouble, because, I didn’t take the precaution to protect the stuff in the system beforehand, as I should have. From time to time my lack of sense comes to the fore. While building some modules, which I did as a superuser, that activity hose the system Perl stuff. Due to that, I started getting this exact error below :

bhaskar@Slackware_17:52:57_Tue Aug 23: :~>cpan

ListUtil.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got first handshake key 0xeb00080, needed 0xeb80080)

Quite perplexing. So, to follow my intuition, I have started to post it in new places on the internet and people come up with some suggestions. At last, in some place, where Slackware-related help is mostly found, which is , someone suggests the option to move the corrupted library module containing the directory to rename it, which is what I did and it started to work as expected now. It is alright now :

bhaskar@Slackware_15:43:49_Wed Aug 24: :~>sudo mv /usr/local/lib64/perl5{,.BAD}

Then I tried to get into the CPAN shell and I can!

bhaskar@Slackware_15:45:02_Wed Aug 24: :~>cpan
Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging

Starting with version 2.29 of the cpan shell, a new download mechanism
is the default which exclusively uses as the host to download
from. The configuration variable pushy_https can be used to (de)select
the new mechanism. Please read more about it and make your choice
between the old and the new mechanism by running

    o conf init pushy_https

Once you have done that and stored the config variable this dialog
will disappear.

cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v2.34)
Enter 'h' for help.


So, I was also having trouble while sending mail from git too, which is also resolved.

I hope, this article will help someone who messed up like me.

About unixbhaskar
GNU/Linux Consultant

One Response to How To Solve Perl Module And Binary Mismatch Error

  1. Val says:

    You save my night !! thanks !!

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