How to fix wlanO not found

The problem statement is while doing an *ip a* on the terminal and its output doesn’t show the wireless device, like below:


The dmesg says like this below:


Let me cross check that file is present in the system or not,  just like below:


So, it is very much seated there, where it suppose to be  Well, that trigger me trip to visit some kernel config variables, like below:


It looks fine, then?? well, that warrant few more checks, well I made some trip to *gentoo forum* to know what is missing. And someone in the closed thread mentioned that The variable in question is CONFIG_IWLWIFI which is recommended =m and that necessarily meant I have to recompile the kernel one more time with that variable set to the module in the kernel.

Next, I went ahead and compile the kernel with that mentioned variable as the module. Okay, I have rebooted my machine and here is the outcome,


Cool, but why we have to turn it to a module within the kernel than just straight built into the kernel not showing the device ?? The reason, by the time kernel boot and the firmware file, reside on the filesystem not yet read so it was missing.

Hope this will help.