Linux FFMPEG Interactive Cut Section Of Audio Video File

Well, I have shown my fondness for using FFmpeg1 before with other post2. I have also mentioned the topic of this post with an example in that post too. So, what’s new about that old topic? The new thing is that I have found a way to make the damn thing do it interactively with more precision. And it is not so complicated or long.

I am writing this with the hope that someone might find it useful for their workflow or usage.

It is just a bash script and the thing is here in entirety for your perusal:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Provide time in seconds

# if [[ $# -lt 4 ]];then

#       echo You are suppose to provide two parameters to this script
#       echo Times should be given in hh:mm:ss format
#       echo $(basename $0) -ss start_sec -i source_file end_sec modifed_file
#       exit 1
# fi

printf "Give the start time in HH:MM:SS format: %s"
read -r start_time

start_sec=$(echo "$start_time" | gawk -F: '{ print ($1 * 60) + ($2 * 60) + $3 }')

echo $start_sec

printf "Give the Souce file: %s"

read -r source_file

printf "Give the end time in HH:SS:MM format:  %s"
read -r end_time

end_sec=$(echo "$end_time" | gawk -F: '{ print ($1 * 60) + ($2 * 60) + $3 }')

echo $end_sec

printf "Give the modified file name: %s"
read -r modi_file

echo "ffmpeg -ss ${start_sec} -i ${source_file} -to ${end_sec} -c:a copy -c:v copy ${modi_file}.mp3"

printf "Is it look alright?[Y/N]: %s"
read -r res

if test "$res" == "Y";then

       sh -c "ffmpeg -ss ${start_sec} -i ${source_file} -to ${end_sec} -c:a copy -c:v copy ${modi_file}.mp3"

        printf "Something doesn't look right, fix it"


See! Pretty ordinary. If you run it from the terminal it will prompt you for the start time and then source file, on which it will act upon and finally end time to round up the time range.

You might be interested to look at the YouTube Video about it.